Sunday, November 30, 2008

War Section v1

This will be the "war" section of the show. The "pretty much but not quite" high point of the show.

***NOTE: This music is VERY rough and is NOT the final version***

Mulan Intro (music) version 1

the idea at the top of the show is to give the idea that Mulan is or feels alone, yet there is still much gong on around her. War is starting, her father is being drafted, she is losing her "life".

There are overlapping voices to represent all of the craziness (many things) in her life and the many things that are also happening around her.

It could be (the) voices in her head...

***NOTE: This music is VERY rough and is NOT the final version***

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Super Tuesday

Its been a while since I've posted here. I want to more and will
things are settleing in and I will be able to.

3 great things happened today.
In order of appearance:

First Ms. M said that she "never used to talk to anyone, until [she]
joined Colorguard. [she's] opened up." (or something to that affect)

I had a feeling about her. Seems I was right. She's almost a natural.
Just needed some confidence. Go you.

Second, Ms. D's mom came in and said that D is coming home at night
and doing her homework. She's motivated to keep her grades up to stay
on guard. And mom appeaciates it!!! "It's good to see her...blah blah
blah", etc.

It was nice to hear that we are motivating.

And last I got an email from one of my (favorite) alumni about her
first day of ballet class.
She said that what we've done in guard helped her understand what they
did in class and she thanked me for teaching her the skills.

What makes that even MORE fun is that I had just said in class (that
day) that I want them to be able to take what we do and apply it in
any other situation they might run into (joining other guards, teams,
classes etc).

Today was a good day. (I didn't even have to use my AK)

Monday, September 29, 2008

...and scene!

This is the finish to a chapter.


I've tried to not bring up "the past" as much lately. Now it's done.

Happy Graduation!

Monday, September 15, 2008

My Captains

Thinking back on past teams, I don't think I have ever felt as
confident in a group of leaders as I do with my current captains.
Just the way I refer to them, "my captains", says a lot. I don't like
to use words like "my" when I talk about the team, or a team. But I
feel so strongly about them. When I marched with Santa Clara, it was
my corps...same sort of thing.
They are quite a team and I don't know how I would get along without
There has been a lot of "less than nice" talk about past leadership. I
think that will stop. It's not terribly professional or fair. It's not
fair to constantly "compare" then and now. It was a different time. It
is a different time. We would not be here now without them then.
I love my current leaders. I love that they let me lead this team
without question. They know what I want and make it happen. They
understand that choices need to be made and that they may not always
be the most fun or even the right choice.
They just get it. A that is what will tale this guard, the program to
the next level.

Thank you, Kaylee, Yamaly, Janis and Terry. You are amazing and I
could not do this without you.

Sent from my iPhone

Monday, July 28, 2008

Neglected (RePosted)

A week off (so far). It's been hard for me. I'm sure the girls enjoy the time off. And they should. They deserve it.

For me, it's eating into the "ahead of the game" time that we were (are) in to.

I had hoped to finish "doomsday" by this week. No worries. Partners are set and good. The work we know (WE KNOW WORK) looks decent. I'm pleased.

I wish I could do more. They deserve it.

We'll be fine.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

First Priority

This team is going to be my top priority again. I've been so
distracted. I want so much go them. To be a strong team, to learn, to
be competitive.
Even if we are "small" (as if 20 is tiny, right?!?), this team can
make an impact.
But I have to take them there. I want to. I have to.

I will.

ENO(ugh) is enough.

Friday, July 25, 2008

The Reason We Are Here

Our goal, our JOB in this (activity) is "to move the music".

We are all in band, so the music is a given. It will always be there,
because it's what bands do. We must make it more. Give it life. Make
it more interesting for ourselves and our audience.
The process of bringing it to life is what makes what we do great. The
growth, expression, unity, creativity and everything else is what is
most important.

To come away from what we do stronger and more confident is the key to

Thursday, July 24, 2008


It seems that ritual is important to good performance. This experience (Romeo and Juliet) has reminded me of that.
It has been many years since I last performed, but the feelings have all returned as if it was yesterday.
I remember being at the gate, waiting to go on. Watching the Devils (or whoever was before us) and preparing to go on the field. We didn't have a literal character to play (like I have for R&J). For us it was more about being "bad ass", or "in the zone", "on fire".
There were lots of grunts and groans and loud "YEAH! Let's do this!". Jumping up and name it and someone was doing it to get ready to perform.
Everyone had their own thing.I needed to have a little space from the group. Not too far, I fed off of their energy. But far enough that I could do my own thing.
I was pretty mellow. I paced a lot, shaking out arms and legs while thinking through random parts of the show. I remember in '89 whenever we saw Phantom, we got to the gate during the "ballad". It had a nice "beat" (jazzy actually) so I would find myself "groovin' to da sounds of da Phantom Regiment". Every time. Even at finals. But mostly, I kept to myself. Getting in to the show.
It seems now that I still prepare the same way. During my time in Romeo and Juliet I would wander off and pace as I went over my lines.
Still shaking out arms and legs, sometimes swinging a sword or waving a gun to help me find my character.
It felt a lot like all those years in the Vanguard. The same kind of intensity and focus. And once I got on stage, it all came out. It feels good to let it happen. To get rid of all of the rest of life's issues through my prep and performance.

It felt good to be in that place (again).

Everyone has their way. We just have to find it.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

So many things to do (for real)…

Time is moving fast. We will finish "Doomsday". It will be a nice moment.
1. Finish Doomsday
2. Measure Everyone
3. Parade Routine (at LEAST start)
4. Start Marching
5. STAGE "Doomsday"!
6. San Marino Carve Exercise

(Janis, your the best)

This team will be good. I can feel it.
AND Jeebus told me!! I'm not even wearing a Plus! (But I do keep one close)

Mulan will be amazing. Intense. Moving away from the 'cute' shows and into the 'mature' shows…

They're ready. (I'm ready)

(quack - shhh!)

Monday, July 14, 2008

Thursday, July 10, 2008

I gotta say, it was a good day

Learned some work today. Looked rough, but a MUCH better rough than
last year!
I'm going to have to be on top of things this year. If they aren't
good, I'll blame myself. (you hear that Janis? On Top Of Things!!)

The work looks good. Not (too) recycled, and Brianne brought lots to
the table. Doomsday will be a very nice moment. (I crack myself up)

These good days don't seem to be a fluke. That's great. I think that
means the "Peanut Gallery" has left the theater for good. (whew)

Well, gotta go, I must protect the goode towne of Verona (like a good
Prince should).

Thinking ahead...

This is not my dream
And this is not my life
And there is not a single thing here I can recognize
And this is all a dream
And none of you are real
And I'd give anything, I'd give anything 

The word mulan refers to the "Magnolia liliiflora". (mù by itself means "wood" and lán means "orchid".) The heroine of the poem is given many different family names in the various versions of her story. According to History of the Ming, her family name is Zhu, while the History of the Qing say it is Wei. The Ballad of Mulan doesn't give her family name. The Ming scholar Xu Wei offers yet another alternative when, in his play, he gives her the family name Huā (meaning "flower"). This latter name has become the most popular in recent years in part to its more poetic meaning. Her complete name is then 花木蘭, transcribed as Huā Mùlán in Pinyin and Hua Mu-lan in Wade-Giles.
The Disney cartoon film popularised the version "Fa Mulan". This "Fa" pronunciation of 
 is found in various Chinese dialects including Cantonese, while "Mulan" is the...

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Yep...its official

I really like this team.

It (sort of) feels like my first year. That's good thing.

And after Disneyland, I'm even MORE excited for next year!!

What a cool bunch of people. Every one of them is so unique and brings
so much to the team. And the growth from "last year" to now has been
great to see. Even though its only been a few weeks.
I told the Disney folks that "sometimes they suprise me". But what is
suprising is (for example) that a year ago the "hoops of inspiration"
would not have been possible. I don't think we would have figured out
how to work through that problem TOGETHER the way we did today.

(so f-ing cool!!)

I want to do more stuff like this. More together stuff. More
performing. And REAL community service. That's what makes this
worthwile (for me). (giving) Those opportunities.
The more we do, good things, the better the excellence. And faster.

"this, I believe" (as they say)

Anyway, days like today make it easier to get over the insecurities I
have because of the "Pow Wow Year" [(c) 2008 Terry & Janis]
That year was ROUGH for me. ROUGH! But I'm almost through it.

Great things:
Annie's energy
Suzanne's quiet strength
The Mexicans (TOTAL geeks!)
"the MHS Guard STAFF includes..."(dude!!)
Donut props, carrot flags and skateboards
Everyone on this team!

So much to do...

It will be great...

Monday, July 7, 2008

About the team…

tomorrow, because I'm tired.

They are the best I will say that now.

best captains EVER (yes EVER! Please don't cry)
AND Janis is DM! (we're taking over!!)

I said tomorrow.


I think we're on to something

These are working better. I need to think about how we'll use them. (what songs get what flags)

Saturday, July 5, 2008


First attempt at a "character" based costume.

"El Barto"

A first shot at a "character" based costume.

Costume ideas on the way!!

I have a couple of ideas. I need to get them down before I forget them. 
Bart, Maggie and Lisa seem to be leading the way. I REALLY want to use the necklace. We need a "choker"!! it's been a while since we've had them. (that must be why stuff "changed" so much)
But Bart's red hat could be fun as could maggie's blue bow (awww).
on the way.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Doomsday IS Family Time

THIS is a winner!!!
Thank you SCV '91


Finally got some ideas going for the Simpsons show.
ROUGH ideas for "character" based flags
we'll see. they're too complex at the moment.