Tuesday, July 15, 2008

So many things to do (for real)…

Time is moving fast. We will finish "Doomsday". It will be a nice moment.
1. Finish Doomsday
2. Measure Everyone
3. Parade Routine (at LEAST start)
4. Start Marching
5. STAGE "Doomsday"!
6. San Marino Carve Exercise

(Janis, your the best)

This team will be good. I can feel it.
AND Jeebus told me!! I'm not even wearing a Plus! (But I do keep one close)

Mulan will be amazing. Intense. Moving away from the 'cute' shows and into the 'mature' shows…

They're ready. (I'm ready)

(quack - shhh!)

1 comment:

Janis' Squad^^ said...

this team is moving right along, just a year ago we would have never imagined doing a show like mulan~ we are definately moving up a level^^
(we would have never been able to do it without you DERRICK!)
They're ready. You're ready. I'm ready. =)
well always hoping for the best ♥
*lil janis*

p.s. do they know about mulan??? u just announced it to the PUBLIC^^