Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Super Tuesday

Its been a while since I've posted here. I want to more and will
things are settleing in and I will be able to.

3 great things happened today.
In order of appearance:

First Ms. M said that she "never used to talk to anyone, until [she]
joined Colorguard. [she's] opened up." (or something to that affect)

I had a feeling about her. Seems I was right. She's almost a natural.
Just needed some confidence. Go you.

Second, Ms. D's mom came in and said that D is coming home at night
and doing her homework. She's motivated to keep her grades up to stay
on guard. And mom appeaciates it!!! "It's good to see her...blah blah
blah", etc.

It was nice to hear that we are motivating.

And last I got an email from one of my (favorite) alumni about her
first day of ballet class.
She said that what we've done in guard helped her understand what they
did in class and she thanked me for teaching her the skills.

What makes that even MORE fun is that I had just said in class (that
day) that I want them to be able to take what we do and apply it in
any other situation they might run into (joining other guards, teams,
classes etc).

Today was a good day. (I didn't even have to use my AK)

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