Monday, September 15, 2008

My Captains

Thinking back on past teams, I don't think I have ever felt as
confident in a group of leaders as I do with my current captains.
Just the way I refer to them, "my captains", says a lot. I don't like
to use words like "my" when I talk about the team, or a team. But I
feel so strongly about them. When I marched with Santa Clara, it was
my corps...same sort of thing.
They are quite a team and I don't know how I would get along without
There has been a lot of "less than nice" talk about past leadership. I
think that will stop. It's not terribly professional or fair. It's not
fair to constantly "compare" then and now. It was a different time. It
is a different time. We would not be here now without them then.
I love my current leaders. I love that they let me lead this team
without question. They know what I want and make it happen. They
understand that choices need to be made and that they may not always
be the most fun or even the right choice.
They just get it. A that is what will tale this guard, the program to
the next level.

Thank you, Kaylee, Yamaly, Janis and Terry. You are amazing and I
could not do this without you.

Sent from my iPhone


terry*~ said...

awwwwwww. thanks derrick. =)

Yamaly said...

we try our bestest!

Janis' Squad^^ said...

::smiles:: ♥

*lil janis*